Java Applets

Various experimental Java Applets written by me.

They are all public domain and the source code is provided; feel free to swipe them.

To download the Java source code or class you click the link, or click 'Save Link As', or click 'Save Target As', or whatever, depending on your browser. The Source is just a text file. The class file must be transferred in binary mode and it's name must be spelled exactly right or it won't run. You do not need a web site to run Java applets; they will run just fine off of your own disk drive. Note that on this Web server the classes are in a sub directory named "/classes".

If you save this web page to your hard drive and also save the class files dyncal.class etc. you must also recreate the same directory structure as on the web server or else the web browser cannot find them. To use "java.html" file as-is make a sub-folder named "classes" so that the files are named like this:
This is controlled by the CODEBASE="classes" part of the "<APPLET>" tag. Or if you want to just put all the files in one folder then delete the CODEBASE="classes" bit and just name the files like this:
Then they will run fine when you double click the java.html file. Remember that Java names are case sensitive; mine are all spelled lower case but some people spell them upper case or even mixed case so check the spelling carefully.

Your browser does not do Java or else you have it turned off.

My first 'real' applet.
A countdown timer showing the days, hours, minutes, and seconds remaining until the year 2000 (not to be confused with the start of the 21st century). After getting down to zero it just said 2000 in big digits and then stopped. The colors are changeable so they can be blended into the background. The time is taken from the host machine; it only works right if your computer's clock is set correctly.
(Update, January 2000, first month of Y2K.) Well all of my programs kept running, and the world did not end after all. Starting in 2001 it should just count backwards.
Source     Class

Your browser does not do Java or else you have it turned off.

Some of the stuff that Java knows about your computer.
'[SecurityException]' means that this is something that can only be revealed to an applet that lives on your own machine. Either that or the property is simply not known. There are many security restrictions on applets that your browser automatically downloads from the big bad Internet. Java's appletviewer lets you see all this stuff, it did in Java 1.1.2 for Windows 95 anyway; later versions are more secretive.
'[UnknownHostException]' means you are not connected to TCP/IP. 'null' means that your version of Java does not know about this system parameter.
Source     Class

Your browser does not do Java or else you have it turned off.

Dynamic Calendar
Click the calendar and mouse drag up and down to change the year; left or right for month.
Source     Class

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Last Update: December 27, 1998